Bhubaneswar: The Odisha Vigilance has arrested OAS officer Parikhita Jena, former Block Development Officer (BDO) of Suliapada in Mayurbhanj district, now serving as the Deputy Collector of Nilagiri Sub-division, Balasore, on charges of misappropriating government funds amounting to Rs 1.19 crore.
The case involves the mismanagement of funds allocated by the Odisha Mineral Bearing Area Development Corporation (OMBADC) for various developmental projects in the Suliapada Block during the fiscal years 2021-22 and 2022-23.
It was found that Jena, while serving as BDO, issued financial transfers to several bank accounts of his close associates without executing the required developmental works.
The Vigilance Directorate's investigation revealed that these funds were intended for projects related to livelihood, health, water supply, sanitation, and education in the Suliapada Block. However, instead of ensuring these funds were used for their designated purposes, Jena allegedly transferred the money to the accounts of his associates, resulting in a significant loss to the government.
During the searches conducted on Wednesday, neither Jena nor the recipients of these funds could provide any documentation or proof of the execution of any developmental projects. As a result, Jena and three of his close associates—Debadutta Das, a former cashier of Suliapada Block, now a Senior Revenue Assistant at Kaptipada Tahasil, Mayurbhanj; Sujit Kumar Mohanty; and Akhil Kumar Das—were arrested.
Efforts are ongoing to apprehend the remaining accused individuals, who received substantial sums of government money through these illegal transactions.