Odisha cop caught red handed while taking bribe

Puri: Vigilance officials have caught an Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI) of Puri Sadar police station red handed while accepting bribe. The accused police ASI, Biranchi Roul was demanding Rs 3,000 not to implicate one Bijay Khuntia of Markendeswara Sahi in a false case of robbery.

Based on a complaint filed by Bijay, a team of vigilance officials led by DSP Haranarayan Pati laid a trap to catch the police ASI. As per the plan, Bijay met ASI Biranchi at the backyard of the Puri Sadar police station yesterday evening. While accepting the Rs 3,000 bribe money from BIjay, the Vigilance team raided the place.

Seeing the sleuths, the ASI threw the money in the bushes in the backyard of the police station. However, the ASI and a home guard was caught by the Vigilance from the spot.

When the ASI’s hands were washed with chemical-laced water, the solution became coloured proving his involvement in the bribery case, said a Vigilance official.

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