Odisha engg student held by C’garh cops for posting nude pics of girl on FB

Bhubaneswar: Chhattisgarh police arrested an engineering student here on Wednesday for allegedly posting nude photos of a girl on social media site Facebook.

The accused was identified as Khuswant Nayak, a student of Konark Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) in Jatni. He was staying in an apartment at Gohira chhak near Tamando, on city’s outskirt.

He is accused of posting nude pictures of a girl by creating a fake account on facebook.

According to reports, Khuswant was in love with the girl, who belongs to Raipur in neighbouring state Chhattisgarh, since his college days. After his love was rejected by the girl, he planned to take vendetta. He opened a fake account on facebook and posted her nude pictures projecting her as a call girl.

After finding her photos on social media site, the victim lodged a complaint with Raipur Assembly police against Khuswant. Following the complaint, Chhattisgarh police with help of Tamando police arrested the accused and forwarded him to the court.

The court allowed the Chhattisgarh police to take the accused on transit remand for further interrogation in the case.


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