Balangir: The Odisha Vigilance officials caught a Geologist of the Ground Water Department red-handed while accepting bribe of Rs 40,000 today. The officials also conducted simultaneous searches at three locations associated with Geologist Ashim Anshuman Nayak, who works with the Ground Water Development Division, Balangir in connection with the disproportionate asset case.
The Geologist was accepting the money as second installment of the total bribe amount of Rs 50,000 to release the consultancy fee of a Consultant. As per a statement issued by the Odisha Vigilance, the entire bribe money was recovered from the accused Geologist and seized.
Based on a complaint filed by the Consultant, who works under the State Government’s ‘Chhata’ scheme, the sleuths laid a trap. The Geologist was held while accepting the bribe amount from the complainant.
The Consultant has been requesting Nayak to release his consultancy fees for the past one year. But, the Geologist has been delaying the matter while demanding Rs 50,000 as bribe.
Finding no other option, the Consultant paid Rs 10,000 few days back as first installment of the bribe amount. However, the complainant convinced the Geologist to pay the rest money later.
The Consultant lodged a complainant with the Vigilance, following which the trap was laid to nab the accused.
The Vigilance statement added further investigation is underway after registering the Sambalpur Vigilance PS Case No. 20 dt.13.08.2024 U/s 7 P. C.(Amendment)Act, 2018 against the Geologist.