Bhubaneswar: Kendrapara MP Anubhav Mohanty has landed in trouble after a police complaint was filed against him today. Alleging non-payment of arrear bills, the owner of Baladevjew Add Media, Smruti Ranjan Swain today lodged an online complaint at Kendrapara Sadar police station.
During the 2019 election, the actor-turned-politician had placed an order to Baladevjew Add Media for poster and flex printing. A bill of Rs 32.56 lakh was generated against Anubhav for the work done by Smruti Ranjan’s firm.
Of the total bill, Anubhav kept Rs 11.45 lakh amount pending till yet. Despite repeated requests to clear the arrear bills, Anubhav did not pay the amount, Smruti Ranjan stated in the complaint.
Smruti Ranjan has sent a copy of the FIR to the Chief Minister and Prime Minister.
In his reaction, the BJD MP said, "The Police complaint today is a deliberate and malicious attempt to malign and defame me. I have paid all my poll related expenses in full and the same has reflected and been duly filed by me with the Election Commission of India as per the ECI rules."
He further stated, "Whenever I undertake a major developmental activity such as the Youth Conclave couple of days back in Kendrapada, there was a concerted and malafide effort to deflect, divert and distract attention from the good work being done in Kendrapada by me."
Anubhav added, "The people of Odisha and especially from Kendrapada have blessed the BJD and me with a huge mandate in 2019 polls and they will continue to reject mischief-mongers and vested interests out to malign me."