Odisha Plus Two Exam Results: Pass percentage in Commerce, Vocational streams at 82.27, 68.02

Bhubaneswar: The results of the annual Higher Secondary Examination-2024 in Commerce and Vocational streams conducted by the CHSE Odisha were declared today.

The pass percentage of students in Commerce stood at 82.27, while the Vocational stream registered 68.02% of students pass out in the examination.

As per the results released by the CHSE Odisha, total 21,308 (20,382 regular and 911 ex-regular) students passed in Commerce out of 25,897 (24,121 regular and 1,733 ex-regular) appeared in the examination this year.

In the Vocational stream, total 3,834 (3,587 regular and 247 ex-regular) students passed out of 5,636 (4,900 regular and 736 ex-regular).

The girls outshone the boys in Commerce and Vocational streams with 85.55% and 71.40% respectively. The pass percentage of boys in Commerce and Vocational courses stood at 80.40 and 64.67 respectively.

The students can check their results on www.orissaresults.nic.in. The results can also be downloaded through Digilocker.

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