Puri: International sand artist Manas Sahoo has paid a heartfelt condolence to former Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitely, who breathed his last undergoing treatment at AIIMS New Delhi, through his sand art on the sea beach here.

The art piece with a message “Tribute to Mr Arun Jaitely” is of 10 feet width. Sahoo took  nearly 5 hours to carve the sand sculpture using five tonnes of sand.

A lawyer by profession, Jaitely, who served a crucial role in Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Cabinet during his first tenure, was admitted to AIIMS New Delhi on August 9 after he complained of palpitations and restlessness. He was kept under observation at the Cardio-Neuro-Centre of the hospital since then. He was declared dead by doctors at the hospital at 12.07 PM yesterday.