Odisha shocker: 3 yr old raped by uncle in Rourkela

The accused, identified as Sandip Majhi (25), has been detained by police after irate villagers thrashed him ruthlessly and handed him over. 

Rourkela:  In a horrifying incident, a three-year old girl was allegedly raped by a relative in Rourkela in Odisha’s Sundargarh district on Tuesday. The accused, identified as Sandip Majhi (25), has been detained by police after irate villagers thrashed him ruthlessly and handed him over.

As per reports, Sandip, the victim’s uncle, had come from Jharkhand since 10 days and was staying at their house in a slum near Malgodown within Udit Nagar police limits. He had come to Rourkela in search of work. On Tuesday afternoon, he lured the minor with chips and chocolate and then raped her in an inebriated state. On hearing the girl’s screams, neighbours rushed to the spot and rescued her. While the girl was immediately rushed to Rourkela Government Hospital, irate locals caught hold of the accused and beat him up mercilessly before handing him over to the police.

Official sources said the accused will be produced in court today. Further investigation is on. The incident has sent shockwaves in the area.




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