Bhubaneswar: With the festive season getting nearer, Commissionerate Police-Bhubaneswar has launched a special drive to keep a strict vigil on traffic rule violators during the days ahead. Enforcement teams of the traffic unit are in action mode, Traffic ACP Jayant Kumar Dora said today.
“A special drive was carried out on October 7 and October 8 against wrong-route driving, drunken driving, use of modified silencers, illegal parking of vehicles and other violations. During these two days, we forwarded to court at least 201 persons for wrong-side driving, 13 persons for using modified silencers and 84 persons for illegal parking of vehicles, under Section 182 A(4) of the MV Act,” the ACP stated.
“Moreover, six persons were forwarded to court for drunken driving,” ACP Dora expressed.
“The Commisionerate Police had previously initiated a similar drive in the past days and such crackdown will continue. We appeal to the public to strictly obey traffic rules. We are focusing on prime locations in the city where there are probabilities of road mishaps due to wrong-side driving. Special drives will be launched round-the-clock at various places of the city during Durga Puja,” the ACP asserted.