Odisha: Water-logging at Konark Temple, tourists disappointed

Konark: The UNESCO world heritage site—Sun Temple at Konark remained water-logged for the third consecutive day today following monsoon induced incessant rains, causing much inconvenience to tourists.

While a majority of the tourists, who had come to have a close look of the Black Pagoda, the epitome of architectural excellence of Odia artisans were left disappointed, some were seen wading through knee-deep water to have a close look at the sculptures of the 13th century monument.

Poor drainage in the temple compound has aggravated the problem with rain water remaining stagnant at about three feet high at some points.

Several tourists expressed their displeasure since they could not dare to visit the monument due to water-logging and fear of snakes etc despite buying tickets.

“It (water-logging problem) was there earlier and still exists. We ensure that even if there is water-logging it is drained out through the existing drainage system. I had instructed the concerned agency to revive and keep the existing drainage system clean before rains. Now we have one option-to drain out stagnant water using motor pumps,” said Hemsagar Abhay Nayak, Superintendant Archaeologist (ASI).

“However, it was discussed at a meeting for a having a better and upgraded drainage system. We have prepared an estimate and have sent it to Director General ASI for necessary approval,” he added.

Locals were of the opinion that water-logging at the Sun Temple during rains has been a regular feature for the last decade or more.


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