Kendrapara: In a bizarre incident, a man broke the marital relationship with his wife today by saying ‘talaq’ three times at Baburam Patana village of Kusiapal panchayat under Derabisi block and Sadar police limits in Kendrapara, after she got trapped by cyber criminals and lost around Rs 1.7 lakh.
According to a senior official in the police station, the Muslim woman named Jumrun Bibi had entered into online friendship on Facebook with the fraudster identified as Ravi Sharma, a month ago.
The criminal Ravi then addressed Jumrun as his sister and promised to give a gift worth Rs 25 lakh. Accordingly, the accused sent photos of a gold necklace, fridge, iPhone, Air-conditioner, expensive garments and many more items to allure the victim woman. Subsequently, he demanded that she sends Rs 1.7 lakh towards courier charges. In parts, the woman had paid the total amount to the fraudster.
As things got delayed for days together, Jumrun lodged an FIR at the local police station.
The incident triggered a feud in the family and Jumrun’s husband Sheikh Rajid, who works in a private firm in Gujarat, got annoyed when he recently came to know about the cyber fraud. The irate man called his wife over the phone from Gujarat in the morning and ended their 18-year-old marriage. The couple were not on good terms prior to this fraud and often were indulging in verbal spats, the senior official added.
Meanwhile, Jumrun has lodged an FIR against Rajid demanding alimony for her and their four children.