Jajpur: In a tragic turn of events, a 22-year-old youth from Kadubani village under Kaliapani police limits in Odisha's Jajpur district ended his life on Sunday night allegedly due to loss in an online mobile game and loan to recover the losses.
The deceased, identified as Srinivasa Nayak alias Lincoln, was the only son of Brajbandhu Nayak. According to reports, Lincoln had dinner with his family before going to his bedroom. Concern arose when he didn't wake up the next morning.
After repeated attempts to rouse him went unanswered, his family broke open the door and found his body hanging from the ceiling.
Lincoln reportedly lost several lakhs of rupees while playing the game. To cover his losses, he borrowed money from various lenders. When the lenders began pressuring him to repay the loans, Lincoln allegedly chose to take his own life.
The Kaliapani police have launched an investigation into the incident. Cops were examining his bank records, which may provide further insight into the reasons behind the suicide.
The police have seized the body and registered a case of unnatural death in connection with the incident.