Dhenkanal: A 21-year-old college student was found dead under mysterious circumstances in a forest at Sadashivpur village under Sadar police limits in Dhenkanal district today. Reportedly, he had been missing since October 1.

The deceased identified as Bidyadhar Pradhan of Banamaliprasad village was a Plus-III 2nd Year student of Siminai Anchalika Junior Mahavidyalaya.

Sources said, on September 30, Bidyadhar had gone to the house of a girl she was in love with for the last three years and threatened him of dire consequences if she doesn’t marry him by the evening. On the next day, Bidyadhar did not return home from college, following which his family members lodged a missing complaint at Sadar police station.

Today morning, some locals spotted his dead body in the forest and informed the police.

Meanwhile, father of the deceased alleged that Bidyadhar has been killed over love affair. However, police have begun an investigation into the incident.