Opposition targets Odisha govt over allowing transfer of land by tribals

Bhubaneswar: A day after the Odisha Cabinet approved amendments to some provisions of Regulation-2 of Odisha Scheduled Areas Transfer of Immovable Property Amendment Regulation to facilitate the transfer and mortgage of land belonging to scheduled tribes (STs), opposition Congress and BJP today came down heavily on the government over the decision.

“This is an attempt to loot the land of tribals. It is a conspiracy to hand over their land to industrialists. The BJD government had earlier implemented law preventing sale of tribals’ land to others. The Congress had earlier demanded to allow tribals to mortgage their land for availing loan. However, the government has now also allowed transfer of land, which appears to be a conspiracy to loot them,” said Congress leader Tara Prasad Bahinipati.

The BJP also criticized the government over the move.

“While the Special Development Council (SDC) for tribals was formed by the government in 2017, it has not done anything significant for them. It was constituted only to woo voters for elections. The government is now planning to provide musical instruments to tribals. However, it will not lead to actual development. Real development lies in education and health sector. Unfortunately, there is lack of doctors in hospitals and shortage of teachers in schools in tribal-dominated districts of the state,” said Nityananda Gond, President, BJP ST Morcha.

“The government is busy in forming strategies for elections. It has been shedding crocodile tears for the tribals,” he added.

Notably, as per the amendments, a tribal may transfer his/ her land to any person with the written permission of sub-collector.

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