New Delhi: The Frances McDormand-starrer "Nomadland" will release in India on April 2. The film is nominated in six categories at the upcoming Oscar Awards including Best Picture, Best Director and Best Actress, and has won the Best Picture and Best Director awards at Golden Globes Awards 2021.
According to director Chloe Zhao, the quintessentially American film is set on the road and populated by individuals "who are part of the pioneer culture", though the themes of the story are relevant in any part of the world.
The 38-year-old Zhao feels the film is about compassion, connection and adventure and is also a resonant story for the challenging times we are currently navigating.
"The story looks at the question -- When you lose everything that defines who you are, can you find yourself again?" Zhao says. And at its heart, she concludes, "( the film) is about all those things that unite us as people; it's about friendship and love."