Balisankara (Sundargarh): In a tragic incident, two youths went missing while another had a narrow escape after being swept away in the Ib river while trying to save one of them from drowning at Kanakund near Ghoghar in Balisankara block of Odisha's Sundargarh district today. The missing youths were identified as Chudamani Meher (26) and Mukesh Meher (17) and the rescued victim Satish K Gupta, all from Baromal village in Jharsuguda district. Sources said a group of 25 youths had come to the famous tourist spot Kanakund for a picnic. They were cooking at the spot when Mukesh tried to jump across the rocks, lost control and fell into the river. Seeing him being swept away, Chudamani and Satish jumped into the river to save his life.
But they too were swept away by the river's strong current. Satish, however, managed to hold onto a rock which prevented him from drowning. On getting information, fire services personnel reached the spot and rescued Satish while starting a search operation for the other two youths. The search was still continuing till reports last came in.
In last December, another youth Somesh Malik from Sector 15 of Rourkela had gone missing in a similar manner while clicking a selfie at the spot.