Pisces: Your generous attitude will be a blessing in disguise, helping you overcome vices such as doubt, disloyalty, depression, lack of faith, greed, attachment, egoism, and jealousy. Investing in real estate could be profitable. Family responsibilities may increase, leading to mental tension. However, your love life will experience a beautiful turn today, giving you a heavenly feeling of being in love. Given your tendency to feel overwhelmed by social interactions, today will be especially favorable as you’ll have ample time to yourself. Your married life will also see favorable developments. Although familial conflicts might cause some worry, you’ll be able to stay at home and manage them.
Lucky Colour: Turquoise.
Auspicious Time: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM.
Remedy: Place a zero-watt red bulb on the southern wall of your bedroom to bring happiness to your family.