New Delhi, Jan 6:
Railways Minister Suresh Prabhu Tuesday said some of the 8,000 railway stations in the country that cater to few trains and attract scanty footfalls can be used for skill development activities.
According to the minister, who was speaking at a book release function here, the Indian Railways will help in the skill development programme which has been emphasised by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The minister said the railways will also help in marketing rural products made by self help groups and other such agencies to help rural masses.
Referring to the marketing potential of the Railway PSU IRCTC, whose website is used by several lakh passengers daily, can be used to sell rural products through e-commerce activity.
The minister further said that non-state actors can intervene more in the field of economic development of common people and for this there is a need to synergise efforts between non government organisations, corporates and the government. (IANS)