New Delhi: Amid a bitter war of words between the ruling BJP and the Opposition Congress after the Rashtrapati Bhavan sent out invites for a G20 dinner of September 9 in the name of President of Bharat, instead of the usual President of India, BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra on Tuesday night shared the itinerary about Prime Minister Narendra Modi's upcoming visit to Indonesia which referred to him as 'Prime Minister of Bharat'.

"The Prime Minister of Bharat," Patra wrote on X (formerly twitter).

Along with the post , he also shared the itinerary which read, "Visit of Prime Minister of Bharat Narendra Modi to the Republic of Indonesia (20th ASEAN-India Summit and 18th EAS Summit) September 7, 2023."

Opposition leaders from the INDIA bloc has slammed the BJP government after the Rashtrapati Bhavan sent out invites for the G20 dinner of September 9 in the name of President of Bharat, saying the country doesn't belong to a political party.

The Prime Minister is scheduled to visit Jakarta for a two-day visit on September 6-7 to attend the 20th ASEAN-India Summit and 18th East Asia Summit being hosted by Indonesia as the current Chair of ASEAN.