Bhubaneswar: Oil spills from two badly damaged Russian tanker ships in the Kerch strait near the Black Sea have renewed the world attention to address spillage issues. The manner in which oil spilling affects the marine and coral life and poses the environmental dangers are unimaginable. The cost of clean-ups is the burden to the world economy.

Usually, oil spills happen during refueling of ships. However, major oil pills during damage of pipeline or when tankers submerge or drilling operations go wrong could have an insurmountable effect on the nature.

Precautionary measures:

Governments and oil industry must join hands to chalk out plans for preparedness and understand what should be the ideal measures when oil spill happens. Spill responses can be tiered so that the reaction can be quicker and better. 

Containment and skimming can be done mechanically in a larger way. Oil floats on water which is why fish and shellfish are not immediately impacts. But once the oil reaches the shoreline it would become difficult to clean up. 

Technology is key to the problem:

However, it is improbable to safeguard the marine life completely from the effects of the oil spill. Restoration following the oil spill is a crucial step. Reintroduction of species affected by the spill, erosion control can minismise the impacts of the spillage in the long run.

Tracking of the oil can be done using drones and satellites. Mapping and coordination can be advanced so that the cleanup process can be done effectively.

(Note: This story is a part of Punascha Pruthibi - One Earth. Unite for it', an awareness campaign by Sambad Digital)