Residents demand drainage of rainwater, distribution of relief in Sundargarh town

Sundargarh: Many local residents today demanded immediate drainage of rainwater and distribution of relief materials to the affected families, on war footing.

“Inadequate drainage system and neglect of the civic authorities have resulted in severe water logging in the town,” some residents of low-lying areas alleged.

Following low pressure-induced incessant rain that battered Sundargarh town in the district since yesterday evening, a number of households and offices have submerged in rainwater.

The district headquarters experienced heavy rain throughout the night, which still continues. Flood-like situation has paralysed the civic life here. Except the town main road, several residential areas including slums have been heavily impacted due to the rain, a private source said.

Rainwater has entered into buildings located in low-lying areas of the town. Residents spent sleepless night in knee-deep water. Sundargarh district headquarters hospital (DHH) and CDMO office have been worsely affected and important files partly damaged. Regent Market, Rani Bagicha, Rangadhipa, Aranya Nagar, Sunaripada and Niranjan Nagar localities are now completely waterlogged.

Drainage of the rainwater has become difficult as main drain has been left unattended.

Meanwhile, chairperson of Sundargarh Municipality Tanaya Mishra and her team of officials have taken stock of the situation. However, no step has been taken by the civic body so far.

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