Bhubaneswar: A whopping Rs 35.07 crore has been cheated in various cyber crimes that occurred in the state in 2020 calendar year, informed Minister of State (Home) Captain Dibya Shankar Mishra.
Replying to a question of MLA Bhabani Shankar Bhoi in Odisha Assembly, the Minister today said a sum of Rs 35,07,20, 135 has been defrauded in various cyber crime cases lodged at various police stations last year and 1,931 cases have been lodged in this connection during the period.
"During the year, highest 2984 cases have been lodged for rape, 1931 for cyber crimes, 1470 for murder, 17 for ATM loot and five for bank loot. Information regarding places of the crimes is being collected. However, information on GST fraud is not available with the concerned department," said Mishra.
The Minister stressed that under 5T Initiative of the state Government, police personnel have been strictly instructed to treat each complainant appropriately and provide them proper services at the earliest.