Scorpio: Recognize your true potential, for you possess the strength but may lack the will to harness it. Focus on accumulating and wisely managing your finances to avoid future regrets. Seek the input of your family members before making decisions, as unilateral choices can lead to problems. Cultivate harmony within your family to achieve the best outcomes. Love surrounds you, and if you look around, you'll find a rosy atmosphere. Leverage your immense confidence to expand your social circle and make new contacts and friends. Life is full of surprises, and today, you'll be amazed by a wonderful aspect of your partner. However, your family members may not be receptive to your advice or take your concerns seriously today, potentially sparking your frustration.

Lucky Colour: Avoid Blue.

Auspicious Time: 2.30 pm to 4 pm.

Remedy: To promote good health, engrave a Mangal (Mars) Yantra in a gold ring and wear it.