Surya Grahan on 4 December 2021: Solar Eclipse Timing, Visibility Area, How to Watch it Live

The last Solar Eclipse of 2021 is all set to take place on December 4. This will be a Total Solar Eclipse.

A Total Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon comes between the Sun and the Earth.

Besides Antarctica, the celestial phenomenon will be visible from a few other parts in the southern tip of South America, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.

Since it will not be visible from India, daily rituals at temples across the country  will not be affected on the day.

How to watch the celestial event: 

In India, people can watch the celestial event through NASA’s live broadcast which will show the view from Union Glacier in Antarctica. The occasion will be live streamed on NASA’s YouTube channel and The live stream will begin at 12 noon.

Timing of the December 4 solar eclipse:

According to  Indian Standard Time (IST), the Solar Eclipse will begin at 10.59 am. The Total Solar Eclipse will start at 12.30 pm and the maximum eclipse will take place at 1.03 pm. The full eclipse will end at 1. 33 pm and the partial solar eclipse will conclude at 3.07 pm. The entire process will last for 4 hours and 8 minutes.

In 2021, sky gazers have witnessed two lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse so far:

1st lunar eclipse – May 26, 2021

2nd lunar eclipse – November 19, 2021

1st solar eclipse: June 10, 2021

What are the various phases of solar eclipse?

Partial eclipse: This is the situation in which the moon takes a bite of the sun where the moon is seen over the sun’s disk.

Total eclipse: On these criteria, the moon covers the entire disk of the sun and the stargazers might see the diamond ring effect and Baily’s beads in the moon’s umbral path.

Totality and maximum eclipse: This phenomenon has the sun’s corona visible, which is a stage of the total solar eclipse. During this time, the sky becomes dark, the temperature drops and the animals stay silent. The midpoint of time is known as the maximum point of the eclipse where the moon covers the disk of the sun.

End of Total eclipse: The moon moves away and the sun starts appearing again. Observers are lucky enough to see Baily’s beads and diamond ring effect. Partial eclipse: The eclipse will end after the moon leaves the sun’s disk.

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