The wonderful true story of CHRISTMAS!

Jesus came down from Heaven (Jn.6:18). His very name Jesus was from God, meaning “the one who saves from sin”. He is the only one who has revealed God Himself, being God-incarnate, as the Son of God & Son of Man. He was uniquely born through the Holy Spirit of God come upon Virgin Mary. The Universal Calendar is based on His coming down to this World, as BC & AD. Every year, on 25th Dec, we remember His Birthday, as Christmas!

It is 2023 years since He came and went back to be with God, the Father! During His short term of 33+ years in this world, He revealed God Kingdom truths to mankind. He wanted His disciples to preach the same too and not about any religion (Acts 1:3/4:12). He proved His divinity through His unique teachings, miracles, forgiving of sins, doing good, healing all types of sickness, raising the dead, displaying authority over evil spirits/natural disasters and even death.

Jesus is the only one who has lived sinless and made a way for salvation of mankind by taking the punishment for sins of one all, yes, of all faiths or background. He is the only one who has risen from the dead! He indeed is The Way, The truth & The Life, for anyone who opts to be born again or be in Heaven one day (Jn.14:6)!

All the prophecies of Jesus’coming has been true and all the prophecies made about His second coming are proving true too! His first coming was as of a humble servant of mankind or as the Lamb of God but His second coming is going to be one where His true divine kingly power & authority would be displayed visibly, that everyone may acknowledge that “Jesus is LORD”!

The most beautiful thing about Jesus is that He has assured that anyone who comes to Him will not be rejected. Great is the loss & regret for anyone who will reject Jesus! For details, please don’t neglect the reading “The Holy Bible”, the one genuine Book meant for all (Matt.4:4)!

Wishing all a meaningful Christ-centered Christmas & a blessed Happy New Year!

– Bro. Manna W & team!

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