Time restriction eased for cultural programmes during Dussehra in Odisha capital

Bhubaneswar: The Commissionerate Police has issued a set of guidelines for Dussehra celebrations in Odisha capital here.

The guidelines were finalised at a coordination meeting for the festival organised by the Commissionerate Police here today.

As per the guidelines, the Durga Puja committees are allowed to hold cultural events till midnight (12 o’clock at night).

In the previous year, the Puja panels were permitted to organise cultural events till 10 pm.

This year, the committees are advised not play high decibel music during the immersion procession, sources said.

“The Commissionerate Police has arranged a single window system for issuance licences to Puja committees,” said an official.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Prateek Singh said the Commissionerate Police will make elaborate arrangements for smooth conduct of the Dussehra festival in the capital city.

“The Puja committees have been urged to obey the guidelines for an incident-free Dussehra in the city. We will take the necessary steps to manage traffic during the festival. The entire city would be kept under round-the-clock CCTV surveillance,” he added.

The Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC), meanwhile, allocated Rs 5.35 crore for improvement of roads and drainage system in the city ahead of the festival.

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