Virgo: Today is a day for relaxation. Consider giving your muscles relief with an oil massage. While there is a possibility of monetary gains, your aggressive nature might prevent you from earning as much as you hope. Tension may arise, but family support will be a great help. If you go on a date, avoid bringing up controversial topics. Be polite and charming to everyone you meet, as only a few will know the secret behind your magic charm. Someone might show excessive interest in your spouse, but by the end of the day, you'll realize there’s nothing to worry about. You may feel misunderstood by your family and might choose to distance yourself and speak less today.

Lucky Colour: Gray.

Auspicious Time: 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM.

Remedy: Bring luck and positivity into your family life by performing acts of charity, such as setting up free water kiosks for the poor and needy.