Sundargarh: Vigilance officials today arrested Jasobanta Narayan Deo, Junior Engineer (JE), Western Electricity Supply Company of Odisha (WESCO), Subdega Section in Sundargarh district for allegedly demanding and accepting bribe of Rs 15,000.

According to reports, the accused had demanded the amount from one Sanjib Dungdung of Mansidpada in the district for installation of a new transformer in the village as the old one was not functioning since April.

Dungdung lodged a complaint in this regard with the anti-corruption agency, following which a trap was laid and Deo was caught red-handed by the Vigilance sleuths while accepting the money from the complainant at Karamdihi grid office in the district.

The money was recovered and seized from the possession of the Junior Engineer. The accused's office chamber and rented residential house in Sundargarh town was searched by the Vigilance officers after the arrest.