New Delhi: Google has introduced a new app review process for both developers and advertisers to help them resolve issues upfront and lessen the likelihood of future policy violations.
Google said the new process will help enhance the mobile app inventory quality for developers who choose to monetize with either AdMob or Ad Manager platforms.
"App review is a new process that evaluates a mobile app's inventory quality before allowing unrestricted ad serving. In going through the process, publishers will get a unified view of all their apps' approval status with actionable feedback," the company said in a blog post on Tuesday.
App reviews will be rolled out gradually this year with two features: app readiness and app claiming.
With app readiness, publishers will need to link new mobile apps they want to monetise with AdMob or Ad Manager to at least one supported app store.
Linking an app will kick off a review process which checks things like the app source, the publisher's ownership of the app, and compliance with AdMob or Ad Manager policies.
With app claiming, publishers can declare a comprehensive list of their apps' inventory with the ability to manage and track all apps' review status directly in their AdMob or Ad Manager account.
"With this feature, publishers will receive suggestions of mobile apps that are being monetised using their publisher ad code, but haven't been added to their AdMob or Ad Manager account," Google informed.
Publishers can act on suggestions starting in mid-2021, and eventually will be required to add all apps to their account to allow unrestricted ad serving.
Google said that it recommends publishers complete the app review process by linking mobile apps to supported app stores and claiming their mobile apps to prevent potential interruptions in monetisation.
The company last month announced to lower its planned commission rate for app developers, following complaints from software makers over steep fees.
Google said it will levy a 15 per cent rate on in-app purchases to all developers for annual sales up to $1 million and take a 30 per cent commission from revenues over the $1 million mark.
The new policy will take effect in July.