Bhubaneswar: Stepping up measures to tackle Covid upsurge, Additional Chief Secretary of Health and Family Welfare Department, PK Mohapatra today directed District Collectors and Magistrates, Municipal Commissioners and Health officials to keep the Dedicated Covid care Centres ready.

Mohapatra in a letter stated the district authorities and municipal commissioners to remain in readiness for functionalisation of the dedicated Covid care centres following the MoHFW and State government guidelines.

The Additional Chief Secretary also reiterated the following guidelines for the DCCCs -

a. All the mild symptomatic or asymptomatic cases are to be advised for home isolation. Only the cases who have no appropriate facility for home isolation shall be admitted to CCCs.

b. The earlier Government owned CCCs are to be identified and kept in readiness as regards the beds and other logistics.

c. The HR to be deployed are to be intimated / contacted so that they can be in readiness to join immediately at the time of need. Only HR that has been fully vaccinated for Covid-19 should be engaged, if and when the need arises.

d. While deploying the HR care shall be taken so that the number of such HR shall be proportionate to the occupancy.

e. The information of functionalisation of any CCC and the daily patient data shall be submitted / posted in the appropriate Whats App group i.e. "CCC, H&FW Deptt." in the designated format.

f. The source of funding shall be the same as that in the first phase of Covid (CMRF/CSR/Other pvt sponsorship).