Bhubaneswar: Beat lockdown blues with ‘Lockdown Squad’

Bhubaneswar: The Bhubaneswar Development Authority (BDA) has come up with an innovative initiative to help the denizens of the city in breaking monotony amid lockdown for coronavirus outbreak.

From expert chefs to digital artists, the BDA has assembled a bunch of new-age thinkers namely ‘Lockdown Squad’ who will help the residents of the capital city  in channelling the need to express in innovative ways. The event, comprising live sessions, workshops, entertainment and more, will be held between April 16 and April 30.

It will be webcasted on the Facebook and Instagram page of Bhubaneswar Me:  and

Here’s the schedule of the event:

“This is an initiative to engage our citizens creatively and at the same time to create awareness about the ongoing crisis. These days, most of the people who are creative and innovative are sitting idle due to the lockdown. Through this platform, they can learn and share their ideas or videos to us, which we can share in our social media platforms”, said BMC Commissioner Prem Chandra Choudhary.

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