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Lesson from Cricket

By Dr. Santosh Kumar Mohapatra* Cricket may be a great time killer having many detrimental impacts but uncertainty of game preaches vicissitude of life. One can learn from cricket about the grim reality of life too. That is why…

Prepare for “truth bomb” in 2024

By Dr. Santosh Kumar Mohapatra* When the former Albanian dictator Enver Hoxha delivered his New Year message back in 1967, he pulled the cord marked “truth bomb”. “This year will be harder than last year,” he declared. “It will, however,…

Conduits for benami wealth

By Dr. Santosh Kumar Mohapatra* Prime Minister Narendra Modi castigated the Congress party after crores of rupees (around ₹ 350 crores) in cash were seized from Congress Rajya Sabha MP and liquor baron Dhiraj Sahu in Odisha and Jharkhand…