Sambalpur: Excess alcohol consumption proved costly for a groom after her bride called off the marriage seeing him in inebriated state at the wedding venue at Badmal village under Jujumura block in Sambalpur district.
As per the report, the family members of one Subhashree (name changed to conceal identity) of Badmal village had fixed her marriage with a youth of Naktideul of the district. The marriage was scheduled to take place last night.
The groom, who was drunk,arrived at the bride’s house in a grand procession. He was so drunk that he was not able to stand or sit properly. The situation turned ugly when he created nuisances by abusing the family of the bride at the venue. Seeing the groom in such inebriated condition, the groom decided to cancel the marriage. Even though some guests tried to solve the matter amicably, the bride stuck to her decision.
Later, the groom and his family members went back after returning the dowries to the bride's family.
Meanwhile, praises are pouring in from various quarters for the woman for taking such a bold decision breaking the stereotypes and taking a stand for herself.