Plus II exams: Students lock up invigilator for ‘misbehaving’ girls in Odisha’s Balasore

Jaleswar: Three invigilators were locked up today by students for allegedly misbehaving girls on the pretext of checking during Plus II exams at an educational institution under Kamardha police limits in Balasore district. The invigilators were not released till the time when this report was filed.

According to a source, the examination for Chemistry was being carried out earlier in the day when the invigilators started checking students in the examination halls to prevent malpractice. Allegedly, they misbehaved with several girl students in the centre on the pretext of discharging their duties.

This triggered tension in the exam centre and later many incensed students locked the invigilators up seeking justice.

On being informed, Jaleswar SDPO and Kamardha police reached the college and tried to convince the students. Irate students agitated outside the educational institution demanding the arrest of the accused.

“Plus II exams were being conducted under the CHSE Board today. Three external male invigilators touched our bodies during routine checking. Instead, female external invigilators should have been asked to do so if it was barely necessary. CCTV was not functioning at that time due to a lack of power supply. We demand arrest of the three external invigilators,” several girl victims said mediapersons.

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