UK variant of COVID-19 mutates again; scientists express concern

United Kingdom: The Kent variant of the coronavirus that had recently spread in the UK has now mutated again and scientists now worry that it might succeed in evading human immune system.

In a recently published study, scientists from Public Health England revealed that a fresh mutation has been observed in the Kent variant of the coronavirus and named it E484K mutation.  This variant has already been detected in South Africa and Brazil.

Expressing concerns about its genetic development, they said that the virus keeps mutating all the time due to genetic errors and the multiplication enables it to spread more quickly in human bodies and survive therein for a longer span of time. This evolution gives it a survival advantage with which it could start dominating itself over the weaker strains within the host’s body.

Although the UK has already initiated its control measures to check the spread on this new mutation among people, scientists have raised concerns that the E484K variant might succeed in evading the human antibodies.

On the other hand, some experts said that the vaccines could be redesigned within weeks or months if need be.  However, they have sternly suggested that people should stick to their regular hygiene of washing hands, frequently sanitizing, using face masks and maintaining social distancing when they are outdoors.

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