Cuttack: Two IT professionals lose Rs 43 lakh to scamsters in Bitcoin fraud

Cuttack: As many as two IT professionals of Odisha’s Cuttack city allegedly fell prey to cyber scamsters as they lost Rs 43 lakh in Bitcoin fraud.

The victims, residents of CDA and Purighat areas here, have lodged complaints in this regard with Cyber police. Two separate cases have been registered while further investigation was underway, said Anil Mishra, Additional DCP, Cuttack.

Two months ago, the victims had received messages on WhatsApp from unknown number while they were asked to review a hotel and get paid in return, reports said.

As they agreed to the offer, the two were then asked to join a group on Telegram app. After completing several tasks assigned in the group, they were initially paid by the fraudsters.

Later, the victims were told to complete 24 tasks. However, the scamsters this time asked them to pay money in advance towards allotment of tasks and promised to refund the amount after completion of tasks.

Though the victims carried out the tasks, they didn’t get back their money. On realizing that they have been duped, they eventually approached the police.

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