Youth’s death in elephant attack sparks tension in Odisha’s Angul

Angul:Tension erupted in Talagada village under Bantala Forest Division of Angul district today when locals attacked Forest officials and vandalised their two vehicles. The Forest officials had gone to the village to probe the matter following a youth’s death reportedly in an elephant attack.

As per reports, an elephant reportedly trampled one Dushmanta Behera(31) if the village. Family members said Dushmanta  had gone to the forest taking his goats to graze. But he was attacked by an elephant in the forest and died on the spot.

After villagers spotted the body of Dushmanta in the forest this morning, they informed the Forest officials. But, the delay on the part of Forest officials in reaching the spot caused resentment among the villagers.

Later the locals attacked the Forest officials and damaged their vehicles.

Sources said somehow the Forest officials managed to escape from the spot.

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