Bhubaneswar: In a major crackdown, a team of Commissionerate Police apprehended two members of a notorious dacoity gang, who previously looted several apartments here. The gang is active mostly in Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, New Delhi, Maharashtra, and Rajasthan, including Odisha. This was informed today by Bhubaneswar DCP Prateek Singh while briefing mediapersons.

The two arrested are Dinesh Kumar Saha from Gujarat and Pawan Kumar from Haryana.

Police have seized cash of around Rs 2 lakh, a mobile phone, a vehicle used by the gang in crimes, and several other incriminating instruments from the possession of the accused. The gang had looted from a house in an apartment on December 23, last year, and decamped with the valuables.

“The history-sheeters looted several household articles and ornaments worth around Rs 13 lakh from Nirupama Apartment. They usually target the apartments that have security lapses and houses with main doors locked from the outside. The gang breaks open the doors and enters the targeted houses. There are more than 20 members in the inter-state dacoity gang,” the senior cop stated.

Divulging on the ‘modus operandi’ of the notorious gang, the DCP said, “Around four to five members of the gang usually go to a targeted apartment to loot. When two of them wait in a vehicle outside, others enter into a house and loot. The gang has several cases in Pune, New Delhi, UP and Gujarat.”