Odisha: Army man brutally attacked over cricket match succumbs

Bhubaneswar: A military personnel, who was allegedly attacked with sharp weapons following an argument during a cricket match in Odisha’s Ganjam district recently, succumbed to his injuries today.

The deceased jawan has been identified as Dileshwar Patra of Kalipalli village in Ganjam. He was on leave when the incident took place.

Dileswar along with his friends had gone to watch a cricket match in Gopalpur area in Ganjam on December 3.

An argument ensued between Dileshwar and a few youths of a nearby village over some issues during the cricket match, sources said.

Some miscreants allegedly intercepted Dileshwar near Haripur Square and attacked him with sharp weapons while he was returning home after the cricket match. Dileshwar sustained grievous injuries on his head, face and other parts of the body in the attack, sources added.

Dileshwar was immediately rushed to hospital in Berhampur city in a critical condition and he was later shifted to a health institute in Odisha capital here after his condition deteriorated. He died while being treated today morning, said a source.

The police in Ganjam district have registered case in this regard and launched a probe. Sources, meanwhile, claimed that Dileshwar was serving in Indian Army and he had been posted at Durgapur in West Bengal.

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