Odisha man gets 10 years imprisonment for sexually exploiting minor girl

Bhadrak: A Special POCSO Court in Odisha’s Bhadrak district today sentenced a man to 10 years of rigorous imprisonment for sexually exploiting a minor girl on the promise of marrying her.

The convict was identified as Ratikant Nayak (33) of Tambakhandi village under Naikanidihi police limits in the district.

The court also imposed a fine of Rs 25,000 on him. In the case of non-payment of the fine amount, he will have to undergo an additional imprisonment of six months.

As per reports, Nayak had established physical relation with the victim on the pretext of marrying her. As he later refused to marry the girl, she lodged a complaint against him with the police in May of 2014.

On the basis of the complaint, police had arrested Nayak and produced him before court.

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