Shop manager held for flouting Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum order in Odisha’s Sundargarh

Bhubaneswar: The police have arrested the manager of Noor Sign & Graphics for flouting the direction of District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum in Odisha’s Sundargarh.

The consumer dispute redressal forum had earlier directed the manager of Noor Sign & Graphics to provide new CCTV hard disk to petitioner Shantanu Pradhan.

As per the case records, Pradhan had purchased CCTV camera system and related devices from Noor Sign and Graphics at Sundargarh on September 23, 2019.

However, the devices did not function properly soon after Pradhan installed them in his home.

Pradhan had handed over the hard disk of the CCTV camera system to the manager of Noor Sign & Graphics for repair.

Pradhan had filed a petition in the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum on August 14, 2020 after the manager did not repair the hard disk.

In its verdict on June 22, 2023, the forum had directed the manager to provide new hard disk to the petitioner within a month.

The forum had made it clear that the shop would have to pay hefty compensation to the petitioner if it did not provide a new hard disk.

However, the shop manager did not obey the consumer disputes redressal forum order.

Accepting a contempt plea from the petitioner, the forum directed the shop manager to depose before it.

The forum had issued an arrest warrant against the manager on March 27 this year after he did not depose before it in connection with the case.

As per the order of the consumer forum, the police arrested the manger yesterday. He was later granted conditional bail.

The manager has been told to depose before the forum on June 20.

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