Puri: In view of possible heavy footfalls to the Jagannath Temple in pilgrim town Puri for New Year 2023, Puri Police issued traffic advisory for tourists for today and tomorrow for smooth vehicular movement and public convenience.
The traffic regulations will be implemented tentatively from 3 pm on December 31, 2022 or earlier depending on traffic flow.
- The passenger buses coming from Bhubaneswar on NH 316 shall come up to Municipality Bus Stand via – Atharnala, Banamber Chhaka, and Nrusingha Temple Chhak through old Nabakalebar road and then Bus stand through exit gate. During return journey they will avail the same route.
- Passenger buses coming from Brahmagiri side shall be allowed through Mangalaghat Chhak up to Jatiababaji Chhaka . During return journey they will avail the same route.
- Passenger buses coming from Konark side shall enter into the Bus stand via-Grid Station Chhaka, Balighat, Maitapada Level crossing, and Nrusingha Temple Chhaka. During return journey they will avail the same route.
- Inter-state/ Tourist buses coming from Bhubaneswar side shall come up to Malatipatapur Bus Terminal and park there. During return journey they will avail the same route. The tourists will avail mini-buses / auto rickshaws up to Puri Town not beyond Kumbharapada PS Chhak.
- Inter-state/ Tourist buses coming from Konark side shall enter Malatipatpur Bus Stand via - Baidas Nagar & ROB and park at Malatipatpur Bus Terminal. During return journey they will avail the same route. The tourists will avail mini-buses / auto rickshaws up to Puri Town.
- Tourist buses intending to go to Satapada shall avail by-pass road via Batagaon, Mangalaghat and proceed to Satapada via State Highway.
- Light Motor Vehicles coming from Bhubaneswar side on N.H. 316 shall enter Grand Road via Batagaon, Atharanala, Kumbharapada PS, Jatiababaji Chhak, Narendra Kona and park at Jagannath Ballav Parking place. The return journey will be via- exit gate of Jagannath Ballav, then left turn towards Biseswari Chhak, Devighat Chhaka, Mangalaghata Chhak then avail By-Pass towards Bhubaneswar. No vehicles will be allowed beyond Kumbharapada PS Chhak towards Hospital crossing.
- After Jagannath Ballav Parking is full the traffic diversion will be as follows.
- Light Motor Vehicles coming from Bhubaneswar side intending to go towards Jagannath Temple will be diverted from Malatipatapur ROB to Talabania Parking place/ Sweet Water Zone, Indoor Stadium & ITI Campus, Bhudan Chhak via-Baidas Nagar, Grid Station Chhaka. Vehicles parked at the above parking places shall exit via Helipad Chhaka, PKRIT Chhaka, Bhudan Chhaka, Grid Station, ROB then N.H.316. The vehicles coming from Konark side will avail the same parking places being diverted from Grid station towards ITI College.
- The passengers from Talabania parking places will avail the shuttle services by three wheelers/Town Buses towards Jhadeswari Chhak via Penthakata Chhak, CT Road, Subash Bose Chhak, Old Sadar PS Chhak. They will return to Talabania via Garuda Chhak, Railway Station, Ghoda Bazar, Ram Temple Chhak, Odisha Bakery then Water Works Road. No vehicles will be allowed from Ghoda bazar chhak towards Jhadeswari chhak.
- Light Motor vehicle coming from Bhubaneswar side intending to go towards sea beach will be diverted at Batagaon towards Mangalaghat, Sterling Chhak towards Beach Road upto Light House Chhak. The four wheelers coming from Brahmagiri side will take right turn at Mangalaghata towards Sterling Chhak and avail the same parking facility.
- Motorcycles coming from Bhubaneswar side on NH 316 shall touch Grand road via- Atharnala, Banamber Chhak and avail Old Nabakalebar Road then Matiapada Chhak and will park at Saradhabali Parking Place (Badasankha to Gundicha Temple). No M/C will be allowed from Banamber Chhak towards Hospital crossing. They will return via Badasankha, Redcross Road, Rly. Station, Ram Temple, Srikhetra Colony, Helipad Chhak, PKRIT Chhak, Bhudan chhak, Grid Station chhak then towards Malatipatpur through ROB.
- No M/C are allowed beyond Badasnkha towards Hospital Crossing.
- Motor Cycle coming from Konark side will reach at Saradhabali via Grid Station, Balighat Chhak, Matiapada Chhak and return in same route. In no circumstances the two wheelers will be allowed to proceed towards Medical Chaka.
- Two wheelers intending to go to beach side and coming from Brahmagiri side shall be allowed to park at the beach road from light house to Hotel Suv Palace. During return to BBSR they will avail the Mangalaghata Chhak and By-pass road.
- Motorcycles of Sebayat, Media person and Officials on emergency duty will park their M/C at the open space in front of Dakhina Dwar.
Besides, Puri Police has declared following stretches as no vehicle zone for smooth flow of traffic.
- Light House Chhak to Subash Bose Chhak
- Subash Bose Chhak to Jhadewswari Chhak (One Side of Road)
- Jhadeswari Chhak to Madical Chhak
- Acharya Harihara Chhak to PKDA Chhak via Town Hall Chhak
- Kumbharapada to Medical Chhak (Old Jail Road)
- Market Chhak to Badasankha via Medical Chhak
- Jagannath Temple to Market Chhak on Grand Road
- Mochisahi Chhak to Jagannath Temple on Dolamandap Sahi Road
- Solakhia Baragacha Chhakto Jagannath Temple on Balisahi Road
- Brushav Chhak to Ganduachaura Chhak
- Dolamandap Sahi Entry Point to Grand Center Chhak.
- No two wheelers shall be allowed to proceed towards Grand road from Jahnimundia Chhaka, MochiSahi Chhaka, Solakhia, Brushav Chhaka, Kakudikhai Chhaka, GanduaChaura Chhaka, By-lane in front of Paschima Dwar, Dakhina Dwar, Uttara Dwar, Gadanti Chhaka, Laxmi Market Crossing, Satyanarayan Temple Chhaka, Chudanga Sahi Chhaka, Banambara Chhaka & Narendrakona Chhaka.
There will be minimum restriction and minimum diversion for movement of locals for regular work/any emergency, depending on traffic inflow.
Any deviation or illegal parking by anyone, that may lead to inconvenience to local public or tourists will attract legal action as deem proper, the Puri Police warned.
The Puri Police also released helpline number 6370967100 for commuters for assistance.