Cyclone Yaas: Storm formation by May 24, landfall on May 26 morning, says IMD

Bhubaneswar: A low pressure area is likely to form over north Andaman Sea and adjoining east central Bay of Bengal around May 22 with moderate to high probability of formation of depression around May 23. The system is very likely to intensify into a cyclonic storm by May 24, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) forecasted today.

It further predicted that the cyclonic storm is likely to move northwestwards and reach Odisha-West Bengal coasts around May 26 morning.

Most models indicate intensification of the system up to severe cyclonic storm category, the IMD said.

Wind Warning: Squally wind speed reaching 40-50 kmph gusting to 60 kmph is likely to prevail over southeast Bay of Bengal & South Andaman Sea from 21st May onwards in association with the likely advance of southwest monsoon. Squally wind speed reaching 45-55 kmph gusting to 65 kmph is likely to prevail over Andaman Sea & adjoining east central Bay of Bengal on 23rd May. It is very likely to increase becoming 50-60 kmph gusting to 70 kmph from 23rd May and further becoming gale wind speed during 24-26th May over major parts of central Bay of Bengal and into north Bay of Bengal and along & off Odisha -West Bengal-Bangladesh coasts during 25th-27th May.

The IMD further forecasted that light to moderate rainfall at most places with heavy falls at isolated places very likely to commence from 25th May evening in Odisha with significant increase in spatial extension and intensity subsequently.

The system will be named as Cyclone Yaas when it intensifies into Cyclonic Storm.

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