Gemini: Make the most of the ample free time you have today by going for a long walk to promote your well-being. Consider investing in your residence as it is likely to be lucrative. Prearranged travel plans may face delays due to health issues within the family. Communicating your perspective to your partner might prove challenging today. Despite a heavy workload, you can maintain energy levels at your workplace, efficiently completing tasks ahead of schedule. While meeting the family's needs, it's common for you to neglect personal breaks, but today presents an opportunity to carve out time for yourself and explore a new hobby. Your spouse may be influenced by external factors, leading to conflicts, but your love and empathy will ultimately resolve any issues.

Lucky Colour: Brown.

Auspicious Time: 9 am to 10 am.

Remedy: Enhance family happiness by applying saffron mark on the forehead.