Banpur: A man, working as a junior engineer in Banpur block under this police limit of Khurda district, allegedly hanged himself in his rented house, today. The deceased was identified as 53-year-old Tapan Kumar Nayak, who belonged to Malipada locality in the district.

According to a source, Nayak took the extreme step in his residence near Paltan Padia in Banpur when no one else was present. He tied a long cloth around his neck and hanged. In the afternoon, his wife returned home and knocked on the main door. However, the junior engineer did not respond.

Suspecting a foul play, Nayak’s wife informed about it to her neighbours. Later, the main door of the house was broken open to see the man hanging from a ceiling fan.

On being informed by Nayak’s wife, a team of Banpur police led by IIC Ramesh Chandra Debata reached the spot and launched a probe, which is underway. Police have seized the body.

Banpur block chairman Amarendra Ranasingh and several others also reached the spot.

“The exact reason behind Nayak’s death has not been ascertained yet. This can be confirmed only after a post-mortem report comes in,” Banpur IIC expressed.

Notably, Nayak was posted in Banpur block around two years ago.