Tragic end to family feud; tribal Odisha woman hangs self

Rourkela: A tribal woman in Sundargarh district allegedly committed suicide by hanging herself this afternoon over family feud.

The deceased identified as Sita Munda (28) was found hanging from a tamarind tree in the backyard this afternoon.

The incident has been reported from Dadusahi in Malda panchayat under Koida block in the district.

As per Ravana Munda (30) — the husband of the deceased – the couple had an altercation this Monday. Following this, they were not in talking terms. Three days after the incident, she committed suicide.

When Ravana returned from local market this afternoon, he found his wife hanging from a tree owing which he called the villagers who informed the local police.

Koida police reached the spot and retrieved the body. Police launched an investigation and sent the body for post-mortem.

The woman has left behind three children – all below the age of 10.

A pall of gloom has descended on the tribal village after the incident.

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