Virgo: Your hope will blossom like a rich, delicate, fragrant, and dazzling flower. If you've borrowed money from a family member, it's advisable to repay it today to avoid potential legal consequences. This period presents an opportunity to involve your parents in your new projects and plans. Be prepared for potential misunderstandings in your romantic relationships. Utilize your professional abilities to advance your career prospects, as success in your field is within reach. Channel your skills and enthusiasm to seize opportunities and gain the upper hand. Embrace boundless creativity and enthusiasm for another fruitful day. Pay attention to the small needs of your life partner today; overlooking them, like cravings for treats or a simple hug, could cause hurt feelings. Remedy: Improve your circumstances by ensuring proper water arrangements for thirsty birds.
Lucky Colour: Green.
Auspicious Time: 6 pm to 7 pm.