The East Central Railway has invited applications for 2206 Apprentice posts to impart training.
Date and time of closing of Online Application: 05/11/2021, 17:00 hrs.
EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: The candidate must have passed Matric/10th class examination or its equivalent (under 10+2 examination system) with minimum 50% marks in aggregate, from recognized Board and ITI in relevant trade (i.e. National Trade Certificate in the notified trade issued by National Council for Vocational Training or Provisional Certificate issued by National Council for Vocational Training/State Council for Vocational Training).
MODE OF SELECTION: Selection for Apprenticeship training will be on the basis of merit list prepared in respect of all the candidates who apply against the notification for a particular Division/Unit. The merit list will be prepared taking the average of the %age marks obtained by the candidates in both Matriculation (with minimum 50% (aggregate marks) and ITI examination giving equal weightage to both. For the purpose of calculation of percentage of matriculation, marks obtained by the candidates in all subjects will be reckoned and not on the basis of marks of any subject or a group of subjects.
ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS: The candidates should have completed 15 years of age and should not have completed 24 years of age as on 01.01.2021.
PAYMENT OF FEES: Application fees (Non-refundable) – Rs. 100.
HOW TO APPLY: Candidates are required to apply ONLINE by visiting official website of RRC (ECR) Detailed instructions for filling up ONLINE applications is available on the website.
Candidates are required to log on to official website of RRC(ECR) provided for filling ONLINE applications and fill up the personal details/Bio-data etc. carefully.
Candidates are required to upload their colour photograph (size 3.5 cm X 3.5 cm taken not later than three months from the date of application in JPG/JPEG format, 100 DPI, size of file should be between 20 kb to 70 kb) with clear front view of the candidate without cap and sunglasses. Candidates may note that RRC may, at any stage, reject the applications for uploading old/unclear photograph or for any significant variations between photograph uploaded in the application form and the actual physical appearance of the candidate. Candidates are advised to keep two additional copies of the same photograph ready with them for bringing at the time of Document Verification.
Candidates are also required to upload their signature (size 3.5 cm X 1.5 cm. size 3.5 cm X 1.5 cm. size 3.5 cm X 1.5 cm. in JPG/JPEG JPG/JPEG JPG/JPEG format100 DPI 100 DPI 100 DPI, size of file should be between 20 kb to 30 kb 20 kb to 30 kb 20 kb to 30 kb).Signature must be in running handwriting not in block/capital or disjointed letters.
To download the official notification, click here.
Direct Link for Applying Online:!